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Schenectady Databases

The City Directory of Schenectady, NY (1255 records)The Schenectady, NY database lists name, address and occupation for the year 1841. The database is search-able by any of these attributes.
Schenectady Weekly Union (1469 records)This database contains news from Schenectady, but also some articles from larger cities such as Albany, Troy, Amsterdam, and Johnstown, and towns such as Rotterdam, Niskayuna and Glenville. It also has news from the smaller hamlets near Schenectady such as Rexford Flats, Jonesville, Fuller Station, High Mills and Quaker Street. It contains leading news articles of the day including items regarding the Edison Works, the Good Templars, various Church organizations, political movements such as the Temperance movement and the Prohibitionists. Currently, it contains data from the year 1886.
Committee of One Thousand (1413 records)This database comes from a book titled Romance of a Great Factory by Charles M. Ripley, published in 1919. The book not only details the success of the Schenectady Works in terms of production, but also recognizes the Committee of One Thousand who led the local efforts of the General Electric Company to raise money for the war effort. The database lists the names (generally only first initials) and department of over 1400 workers with specific mention to those who served on the Committee of One Thousand.


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