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rewriting history (past and present) one database at a time

Montgomery Databases

"Bob Cudmore's Focus on History" (1038 records)This is a database of the weekly newspaper columns focusing on Amsterdam in particular and the greater Mohawk Valley in general. All words are searchable, so you can find an old column of Bob's or read his regular weekly column which appears in the Daily Gazette on Saturdays then appears here for a week starting each Monday. Bob talks about history on a weekly podcast: BobCudmore.Com the historians.
Amsterdam Daily Headlines, Amsterdam, NY (24419 records)The Amsterdam, NY database is a collection of daily happenings from 1886 through 1925 as published in an annual almanac by the local newspapers, Daily Democrat and Amsterdam Evening Recorder. It contains not only marriage and death records, but also details fires, performances at the Opera House, actions of the city council, meetings of the Board of Trade, Oddfellows, Moose, Y.M.C.A. and similar organizations. Find out when electric lights were first used on city streets, when they began paving Main Street, or how much the Honorable Stephen Sanford donated to various local charities. Learn about the suffrage and temperance movements in Amsterdam. Find out which Amsterdam residents served or died in World War I. And for fun, what illegal act did automaker Henry Ford commit while stopped in Amsterdam for lunch? Find out this and more.
Amsterdam Board of Trade Official Manual (442 records)This is a database of the 1900 & 1905 Amsterdam Board of Trade's Official Manuals. All words are searchable, so you can look up information on the leading industrialists at the turn of the century, the companies active in the Board of Trade, or find out who sold wool, yarn or carpet. View photos of the individual factories if you know the company name and photos of the residences of Amsterdam's leading citizens of that era. Find out how many ads listed a telephone number.
Dr. Voorhees Account Book (1364 records)This database contains over 1400 records from the medical account book of Dr. Samuel Voorhees who practiced medicine in Amsterdam, NY during the 1820's and 1830's.


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