The Nonaversary of January 6th
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The Nonaversary of January 6th

By: Frank Yunker

Date: 2025-01-07

On January 6, 2025, Congress certified the election of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States. That day is the nonaversary of the more infamous January 6th which Democrats and the media (same thing, I know) are trying desperately to get us to both remember and be outraged over.

A nonaversary is a remembrance of the day that nothing much happened.
But wait! You saw it with your own eyes? Really? You could pick out the FBI agents in the crowd? FBI director Christopher Wray refused to answer the question. He didn't say how many, but he also didn't say "Zero."

Hmm. The Department of Justice Inspector General released a report on December 12, 2024, almost 4 years after the event. What did it say?

It found no evidence of FBI undercover agents based on the testimony they reviewed. Does that clear it up? Not really.

The report also indicated there were 26 agents in the Washington DC area. Three were specifically tasked with going to the protest. All 3 entered restricted area. One entered the Capitol.

The remaining 23 agents acted on their own. Fourteen of them entered restricted areas and 3 of them entered the Capitol.

How does CNN report it? No FBI agents were involved. How does Fox report it? 26 agents were in the area.

If the 14 agents were entered restricted area on their "own" were not fired and prosecuted like other protestors, then it would suggest the FBI condoned their actions.

It's understandable that the FBI would protect their agents' name and photo. But if it took 47 months to find out this information, how much longer will it take to find out if these agents were leaders or followers. Were they instigators?
Many folks appalled by that day say "I saw it with my own eyes." Sure, but now we have to ask "Did my eyes see FBI agents provoking the crowd?"

We know Trump requested troops and Nancy Pwlosi refused. We know the FBI infiltrated the crowd and it took 4 years to find that out. We know the FBI director refused to answer questions.

We have to ask. Was it a setup?

It certainly wasn't an insurrection. Mobs of insurrectionists don't travel from all parts of the nation to overthrow the government and then forget to bring guns. They also don't suddenly give up and go home for dinner. That's not an insurrection. But it might just be a deep state set up.