1889 Amsterdam Death of Mrs. Catherine Putman Cooper of Tribes Hill, aged 97.
1884 Albany Music Hal1 (n. w. corner South Pearl and Beaver streets) opened by H. R. Jacobs as the Royal Museum,
Confused how America could reelect Trump? Read this
By: Frank Yunker
Date: 2024-11-11
Trump Wins
If you don't understand what just happened and why Donald Trump got reelected President of the United States, then I'd like you to take a deep breath and hear me out. I can help explain this topsy-turvy world for you.
It begins with the mainstream media and the Democrat party. People who voted for Trump think those 2 are the same thing. There is a lot of collusion going on between the two, so for all practical purposes, they might just as well be.
Remember back in 2016 with the Steele Dossier and the whole "golden showers" bit? Not only did it turn out to be false, but the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for it. And you believed the media.
Remember the Trump-Russia collusion and the multi-year, multi-million dollar investigation? They knew from the start it was fake, but they investigated anyway.
Remember the "Fine people hoax" from Charlottesville? All you had to do was listen to the whole unedited audio to know that Trump never called the Nazis "very fine people." In fact, he began the speech by denouncing the Nazis, but that part was cut out of the edited version. It took Snopes, the "fact checking" website, nearly 8 years to admit that the allegations against Trump were false. Yet, Biden and Harris have still been claiming Trump is somehow aligned with the Nazis.
Trump voters don't vote for Trump because he's a racist. They vote for him because he is not a racist. Google what Trump did when Jennifer Hudson's family was murdered. Google who sent a private jet to bring Nelson Mandela to America when he couldn't afford the flight. There's more, but you probably never heard of even those two examples. He mentions the 5 worst-run cities in America because they are in terrible shape and they've all been run by Democrats for decades. The Democrat-Media collusion claims it's Trump being racist because the demographics are largely minority. Trump isn't racist. He's just telling us reality. It was the media that was racist by turning a political comment into a racist comment.
Does he exaggerate? Sure. He's a marketing and media marvel. He walked into the 2016 Republican primaries and sucked the oxygen out of the room. The guy I wanted got no air time. The media didn't know how to ignore Trump.
Does he say some crazy stuff? Sure. That's the "Art of the Deal." Don't tell China you want a 10% tariff on Chinese goods. Start by announcing a 100% tariff and let the media go ballistic. The Chinese will be thrilled when they only have to absorb a 25% tariff.
Were those fries he cooked the "best fries ever?" Undoubtedly "no," but if he'd served me fries I would have done like one of his customers. Sell them on Facebook marketplace for $10,000, which, technically, would make them the "best fries ever."
So, the media lies. That's a fact you need to understand.
The media colludes with the Democrat party and Democrats within the "deep state." Need an example? Joe Biden, while vice-president, admitted on videotape that he withheld US aid to Ukraine until Ukraine agreed to fire a prosecutor. What Joe didn't say was that the prosecutor was going after a Ukrainian company that was paying his son Hunter $83,000 a month as a "consultant."
Trump knew the Bidens were corrupt. So, his "perfect phone call" was legitimate and appropriate. How did the Democrats react? Impeachment. The media-democrat coalition called January 6th an insurrection, but let's be honest. Thousands of people who show up without guns is not an insurrection. And they all went home for dinner. Did it get out of hand? Yes. Did everybody go home for dinner? Also yes. That's not an insurrection. Did suspicious votes appear in swing states after the November 3rd 2020 election was over? Yes, yes, yes! Were mail drop-boxes placed in accordance with state legislature guidelines? No. And why in only swing states? The real insurrection took place on November 3rd and the Democrat-Media coalition wants you to believe otherwise.
The term is called "gaslighting." I listed a few, but they happen nearly daily. Trump grabbed the wheel of "the beast." He mocked a reporter's disability. Both didn't happen. He did mock a reporter, but it was the Media that twisted it to say Trump mocked a reporter's disability. That's a big difference. The reporter deserved to be mocked. And that's Trump. He calls out the fake news media. A week before the election he didn't suggest Liz Cheney face a firing squad, but the media reported that he did. So, fake news is real.
They said Trump was a liar when he said Obama wiretapped him. Then, it turned out Trump was right. They said Trump was a liar when he said that Hunter Biden's laptop was real. Then, it turned out Trump was right, even after 51 intelligence officers claimed the laptop had all the earmarks of "Russian disinformation."
So the Media-Democrat coalition includes lots of folks from the Deep State bureaucracy. High ranking intelligence officers lied. Sometimes they don't tell the truth. Like what happened when they found cocaine in a restricted area of the White House. No problem. Nothing to see. Move along, folks. Imagine what the media would have done if cocaine was found in the Trump White House.
The Democrat-Media-Deep State coalition is pretty scary. Most people can't explain the 4 felonies against Trump because â€" news alert â€" they weren't felonies. Apparently he paid a porn star money to be quiet. That's actually legal in New York and the porn star signed a document stating an affair never happened. That, in itself, would have been reason enough to not bring charges. If anything illegal happened, it was an accounting misdemeanor. So, bringing felony charges and getting a jury to convict Trump didn't convince Trump supporters that Trump was evil. Nope, it just reinforced our perception that the Democrat-Media-Deep State coalition is alive and well and using the Justice Department for election interference.
The same goes for the fake department store rape allegations. Long after the statute of limitations had ended, they changed the law to allow it to be resurrected, despite no evidence that anything happened. The so-called victim did not recall the year. She wore a dress that didn't exist at the time she decided it happened and she told no one at the time. Innocent until proven guilty apparently does not apply to Trump. It was an abuse of the justice system for election interference. Imagine being raped by a billionaire. Don't sue then. Wait until after the statute of limitations end. Then, wait until he runs for president a third time. That sounds about the right time. The Court of Common Sense say it wasn't rape. It was election interference.
The Frosting on the Cake of Irony was that Harris was going around the country claiming that Trump was Hitler and he would jail his political opponents. But that's the Democrats and their Media-Deep State minions. Accuse your opponent of what you're guilty of. Read Saul Alinsky for more details.
So, every time Trump wins, the Democrat-Media-Deep State coalition loses. And that's what we want. But we want more than that. Trump gave us a robust economy with low unemployment, higher wages and low prices, particularly at the gas pump and grocery stores. He gave us 4 years without a new war. It wasn't an accident or dumb luck. It was Trump.
He wasn't afraid to meet with North Korea's leader and tone down that situation. Back in 2016 the media told us war was imminent and we needed Hillary in charge. Nope, didn't happen. He promised he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Despite all other presidents promising the same, Trump did it. The media said war would result. Nope, didn't happen. Then, Trump started the Abraham Accords that normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations. Yup, that happened.
Did he get the Nobel Peace Prize for all that work? Nope, didn't happen. But Obama got one just for being elected. Despite military operations in Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. Need I go on?
Trump is more than a peacemaker. Trump has â€" despite your disdain for him â€" the instincts of an improv comic. He's funny. And it's quick-witted. Hillary said he doesn't pay his taxes. He shot back "that makes me smart." And then he added that if they wanted him to pay more taxes, all they had to do was change the tax code. But he pointed out that they wouldn't because her donor friends want those tax loopholes.
So, Trump is quick-witted and funny. And then he speaks truth to the people. And he mocks those in power. Take, for instance, his stint at McDonald's. We all know Kamala "grew up in a middle class childhood" and she said she worked at McDonald's. But McDonald's couldn't confirm that was true. The media, naturally, was not curious. They let the story drop. Nothing to see here, folks.
But not Trump. He got fact-checked â€" often incorrectly â€" in every debate. His opponents never got the same treatment. So, he turned her apparent lie into a media circus. Genius. And when Biden calls Trump supporters "garbage," how does Trump respond? He trades his sport jacket for a garbageman's outfit and gets his photo in a garbage truck. Pure Genius.
So, relax. He's not Hitler. He invited the president of the Teamsters Union to speak at the Republican National Convention. He gave Sean O'Brien a platform. He didn't require the guy to endorse him. And O'Brien didn't endorse Trump. Is that something Hitler would have done? In retaliation, the Democrats refused to allow O'Brien to speak at the Democrat convention.
Let's all give Trump a chance. Maybe he'll say something that offends you. But actions speak louder than words. You don't have to like your dentist to get a root canal. You don't need to like your teacher in order to learn something. You don't have to love Trump to give him a chance. You just have to love America.